I am about to head out for a little shopping this morning. I am not really a great shopper. I like to shop...sometimes. I'm just not very gifted in shopping, I think. Rob says I'm a buyer. I go in knowing what it is that I want or need, find it, buy it. Last Friday I found a dress I really, really liked. It fit very well, and I got positive comments from my family about it, but I was determined I would not buy it as it was the first dress I tried on, and I hadn't looked anywhere else. I have thought about that dress all week, and know that I should get it! See, the buyer in me comes out! (The dress is for Nathan and Chelsea's wedding: "my mother-of-the-groom dress.") Thursday, I actually bought another dress as a "back-up" in case this one is not there this morning!
Since I am a list maker, I have my list made out of all my stops this morning. I hope to cross off all of my errands in just a few hours to get back home and work around the house this afternoon.
Thanksgiving in the Payne household was wonderful, fun and amazing. We had my parents, my sister, and Nathan, Chelsea and Avery here. Lots of cooking and loving on baby went on. I have decided that I like Thanksgiving more than Christmas as far as a holiday celebration. Christmas has gotten so carried away with decorations, presents, and stress. I would love to just recognize it as a time to reflect on its true meaning.
God sent his son Jesus to this earth. He came as a helpless, newborn baby, and grew up just like all of us experiencing all of life. Yet through out his life he remained sinless. He spent his life completely in tune with God's will, never putting his will or desires above Father God's. How amazing is that! Then, Jesus gave his life as a sacrifice for us! Because He died in our place, for our sins, we can have fellowship with God! Right now, right here! By acknowledging that we are sinners, that nothing we do can ever put us right with God, and accepting Jesus as our Savior--the one who sacrificed and did the work for us, we are granted son-ship (daughter-ship?) in God's family. WE are co-heirs with Christ and inherit eternal life. Sometimes I hear this so much I don't stop and truly think it through. Yes, it takes faith to believe, but once you ask God to abide with you, he even increases your faith! I have witnessed God's touch and working in my life so much, even in tiny details, that I cannot deny HE IS and He IS my savior. My life hasn't been a bed of roses, nor do I ever expect it to be. I have Joy in my life because of what Christ has done for me, not through what I've accomplished or done for myself. God is not sitting around just granting my wishes. It is through my trust and faith in him that he can work through me.
I just wish Christmas were simple again and not filled with so much buy, buy, buy, get, get, get, go, go, go. Let's just enjoy family and faith, thanking God for what we have through Him (salvation, eternal life, fellowship) and thanking Him for what he has blessed us with here on earth (family, home, needs, friends). I'm praying that I can get over myself this holiday season and focus on why we celebrate it in the first place!
To all my friends and family that read this, I am so thankful for you in my life!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
State Champs
Update on soccer: Will and his teammates won the AYSO state championship Sunday! The other Hartselle team took the number 2 spot, so we are so proud of all our Hartselle U-14 guys!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Random Thoughts
Hi! This post will be a random post of different things! We have been busy the past 3 weeks, including this week, with soccer tournments. Last week-end, Will's AYSO team won the regional tournament, and our other Hartselle team took 2nd. Both teams are in the state tournament this week-end. Will's team won their 2 games today and have one game tomorrow. Hoping for a 1, 2 sweep by Hartselle. Today was COLD! The temps were in the hi 40s but with the wind, brrrr! It felt more like 30s! 

Am I the last person to discover Facebook? I know it's for or was started for students, but now everyone seems to have access. I'm having fun discovering "old" friends from high school and pharmacy school! By old I mean I knew you several years ago, and am getting reacquainted. I am not insinuating any of my Facebook friends are old! While it's fun, I think the Facebook premise plays on our curiosity about other peoples' lives. Have you ever got caught up in looking through your friends profiles, checking out pictures of people you don't even know, and sending virtual gifts, stickers, pins, etc. to all your friends? I do like the fact that I feel more connected to some friends I don't talk to often enough.
I'm excited about Thanksgiving. Nathan, Chelsea and Avery are coming to our house! We can't wait! While Nathan and Chelsea have, of course, been here, it will be Avery's first trip to KayK's house!
Junior High soccer tryouts are this coming week! Good luck to all the boys going out for the team. While we are finishing AYSO and club soccer, school conditioning will start the week after Thanksgiving. Conditioning will continue the rest of this year. Formal practice using the soccer ball will start in January and games will be in February and March. To be considered a spring sport, it is during a cold and wintry season!
Will and his team 11/9/08. Regional tournament
Am I the last person to discover Facebook? I know it's for or was started for students, but now everyone seems to have access. I'm having fun discovering "old" friends from high school and pharmacy school! By old I mean I knew you several years ago, and am getting reacquainted. I am not insinuating any of my Facebook friends are old! While it's fun, I think the Facebook premise plays on our curiosity about other peoples' lives. Have you ever got caught up in looking through your friends profiles, checking out pictures of people you don't even know, and sending virtual gifts, stickers, pins, etc. to all your friends? I do like the fact that I feel more connected to some friends I don't talk to often enough.
I'm excited about Thanksgiving. Nathan, Chelsea and Avery are coming to our house! We can't wait! While Nathan and Chelsea have, of course, been here, it will be Avery's first trip to KayK's house!
Junior High soccer tryouts are this coming week! Good luck to all the boys going out for the team. While we are finishing AYSO and club soccer, school conditioning will start the week after Thanksgiving. Conditioning will continue the rest of this year. Formal practice using the soccer ball will start in January and games will be in February and March. To be considered a spring sport, it is during a cold and wintry season!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Artrageous is the name of the salon I go to every 5 weeks to get my tresses trimmed and my gray covered! I've been going to LaShasta for over 13 years now! She knows how to cut my crazy, curly hair, and boy can she make it straight as a board too! I've even gotten better at straightening it myself because of her instruction! While I was there this morning, I thought this would be an interesting thing to blog. I know everyone out in blog land is dying to see where I get my hair done! (There is sarcasm in that last sentence in case you didn't catch it!) It is just a lot of fun in the salon. Friday mornings are busy and the weekly regulars accept me as if I were there every week too! Of course today I had grandbaby pictures to share with everyone. Everyone oohed and aahed over Avery because, of course she is the prettiest baby ever!
Well, enjoy some pics from this morning! I'm going to take Rob some lunch since he hasn't been able to get away from his office today!
LaShasta is styling Jamie's hair. Jamie only agreed to be photographed from behind until her hair was all styled! I was on my way out, so couldn't stay 'til she was done!
LaShasta is styling Jamie's hair. Jamie only agreed to be photographed from behind until her hair was all styled! I was on my way out, so couldn't stay 'til she was done!
Monday, October 20, 2008
No Name, KayK and Uncle Will
We are officially grandparents! Will is officially an uncle! We have been since last Monday, October 13 at 10:01 a.m. Rob, Will and I headed to Fairhope on Friday, Oct. 10. We were able to be down there for the big event. Actually, we got to get in lots of visiting before the blessed event. Friday night our family and Chelsea's family ate out together at Gambino's in Fairhope, then Nathan and Chelsea joined us and my parents and Rob's parents at Rousso's in Daphne for dinner Saturday night. Sunday, Oct. 12, Will, Rob and I headed toward Fairhope since Chelsea was having contractions 6-7 minutes apart. Since we were staying with Rob's parents in Lillian, we wanted to be closer then 35 minutes away if things started speeding up. The nurses at the hospital told Chelsea that she had begun true labor, but delivery was not imminent, so she should go walk and eat and see how things progressed. Since we were in Malbis at the Eastern Shore Center (great shopping there!), Nathan and Chelsea joined us. It is a very good place to walk. We tried to speed things up by eating Mexican food at Don Carlos' Mexican Restaurant, but Chelsea refused to eat the jalepenos! After eating we went to the new Bass Pro Shop at Spanish Fort. We were all worn out after touring around that place! During all this time, Nathan and Chelsea were timing the contractions and the time between them. (I have to say they were so cute doing this together--it was very sweet!)
Needless to say, Avery McKenzie Payne is probably the most beautiful baby ever! My two were beautiful too, but they were boys! She let everyone know that she wasn't too happy with leaving the warm, comfortable womb. That girl can cry with the best of them, but she looks gorgeous doing so! I think she is adjusting to life on the outside though, and her parents are the sweetest and most attentive to her. Nathan is even changing diapers! (He is already wound tightly around those little pink fingers!)
Home from the hospital.
I have decided to go by KayK as my "grandmother" name. Rob hasn't totally come up with what he'd prefer to be called, so I am calling him No Name. Hopefully that name won't stick! If you have any "grandpa" suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments! Did you know you can actually find lists of "grandpa/grandma" names on the internet? Seems like there is just about anything you can imagine on this thing!!!
They finally returned to the hospital at 11 p.m. Sunday night and got to stay. She labored all through the night, and we were able to be there the next morning before Avery put in her appearance.
Look, she already knows War Eagle, Hey!
Needless to say, Avery McKenzie Payne is probably the most beautiful baby ever! My two were beautiful too, but they were boys! She let everyone know that she wasn't too happy with leaving the warm, comfortable womb. That girl can cry with the best of them, but she looks gorgeous doing so! I think she is adjusting to life on the outside though, and her parents are the sweetest and most attentive to her. Nathan is even changing diapers! (He is already wound tightly around those little pink fingers!)
Well, I could go on and on. Everyone is doing great and I was blessed to stay down there an entire week to visit, to help, to just be around. Rob and Will had to come back to Hartselle on Tuesday, Oct 14 because of school and work obligations. They came back down on Friday, and Will had a soccer game in Fairhope on Saturday. More time to visit with Nathan, Chelsea and Avery.
I have decided to go by KayK as my "grandmother" name. Rob hasn't totally come up with what he'd prefer to be called, so I am calling him No Name. Hopefully that name won't stick! If you have any "grandpa" suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments! Did you know you can actually find lists of "grandpa/grandma" names on the internet? Seems like there is just about anything you can imagine on this thing!!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer
I love praise music. I really think I could listen, sing and praise all day. Actually, I suppose that is what we all need to be doing anyway. To me, music speaks to my soul, and I can sometimes process deep truths through incorporating music. I have lots of favorites, but must say Keith and Kristyn Getty have some amazing music, and I can't seem to stop listening to their "In Christ Alone" album. I do have to be careful when I'm on the treadmill or elliptical at the gym, or I might break out signing, and we've all heard people singing along with music no one else hears-it usually isn't very pretty! Here are the lyrics of my favorite song (of the day anyway): Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer (May This Journey) First Line: Jesus draw me ever nearer | |
"Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer" Music by Keith Getty; Words by Margaret Becker Copyright © 2002 Thankyou Music Jesus draw me ever nearer As I labour through the storm. You have called me to this passage, and I'll follow, though I'm worn. May this journey bring a blessing, May I rise on wings of faith; And at the end of my heart's testing, With Your likeness let me wake. Jesus guide me through the tempest; Keep my spirit staid and sure. When the midnight meets the morning, Let me love You even more. Let the treasures of the trial Form within me as I go - And at the end of this long passage, Let me leave them at Your throne. You can see videos of them performing some of their music as well as an interview of them on Godtube. Check it out! |
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Two Centimeters!
Well, Chelsea is 2 centimeters dilated, so the process has started for Avery's arrival. Please keep Chelsea and Nathan and Avery in your prayers. Click on their blog (The Time of Our Lives) at the bottom of my page to see the amazing job she has done putting the nursery together.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Still learning things about computers!!! Aargh!
Lord I lift Your name on high
Lord I love to sing Your praises
I'm so glad You're in my life
I'm so glad You came to save us
I 'm sure you're wondering why I started this post with a few lines of "Lord I Lift Your Name on High." Well, you might just be thinking it's a good thing to start a post with, and I agree. Those four lines are very true and good. But, there is more to why the post starts this way....Last night I was on Flickr.com looking at some pictures my sister had posted on her account. I actually found a spot to click on that allowed you to post to your blog from Flickr. Great! I clicked on the spot, got my blog set up to link to the Flickr thing, and wrote a very entertaining post about what Teri and I did together when I visited her last week-end. I went to post it on this blog, but kept getting a message that it wouldn't work at this time. Okay, I know what to do! I copied my post and decided to paste if over here and try to copy our picture to over here too. As it was getting late, I was doing laundry, and Rob and Will were due home from soccer practice, I decided to work on it tomorrow (this morning). Well, here I am. I signed in, clicked on new post then hit paste and wa-la! A snippet of a praise song pops up. Hmm...Rob had used this computer last night before bedtime to work on some of his praise and worship files. Guess he copied some things after me.
I will hopefully get back here later today, and tell my story of Teri's birthday complete with pictures! Meanwhile, let's lift God's name on high and sing His praises! Even when our plans (even plans about what we want to post) don't work out, God has got it under control. I need to release my need for control to my Heavenly Father who knows what I need oh so much better than I do!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Just Checking In
I just wanted to put something up here since it has been awhile since I posted. I suppose I'm still getting used to the idea of putting my thoughts out into cyber-land. Well, I've had lots of ideas, but by the time I get to a computer to put them down 'on screen' (since I can't say 'on paper'), I either don't feel like typing so much, or I'm too tired!
Lots of life is going on in the Payne family: Soccer--Will plays for (and practices with) two teams, so we are always going somewhere with soccer stuff in tow.
Church--Rob teaches our Sunday School class and leads the praise and worship portion of our music during morning worship, so he is preparing lessons, music and running praise team rehersals. I facilitate a Wednesday Bible study, and we both are in the adult choir. Will is active in the youth group and plays keyboard for the youth worship band.
Work and school--Well, we all have to go to one or the other several days of the week!
Waiting--We are waiting for the arrival of Avery McKenzie Payne! Mom Chelsea has a due date of 10/11/08, but you know babies; they will come when they want to. Every time my phone rings and it is Chelsea, I have to wonder if this is "the" call. We are hoping Avery will wait until Dad Nathan has taken the LSAT on 10/4. (Please keep him in prayer about that!) Well, keep all of them in prayer about Avery's upcoming arrival. We can't wait to get to know that little girl and hold her in our arms!
Lots of life is going on in the Payne family: Soccer--Will plays for (and practices with) two teams, so we are always going somewhere with soccer stuff in tow.
Church--Rob teaches our Sunday School class and leads the praise and worship portion of our music during morning worship, so he is preparing lessons, music and running praise team rehersals. I facilitate a Wednesday Bible study, and we both are in the adult choir. Will is active in the youth group and plays keyboard for the youth worship band.
Work and school--Well, we all have to go to one or the other several days of the week!
Waiting--We are waiting for the arrival of Avery McKenzie Payne! Mom Chelsea has a due date of 10/11/08, but you know babies; they will come when they want to. Every time my phone rings and it is Chelsea, I have to wonder if this is "the" call. We are hoping Avery will wait until Dad Nathan has taken the LSAT on 10/4. (Please keep him in prayer about that!) Well, keep all of them in prayer about Avery's upcoming arrival. We can't wait to get to know that little girl and hold her in our arms!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Happy Anniversary! 25 Years and counting
Rob suprised me with 25 roses for our anniversary. He had them sent to work, so I caused a stir carrying these beautiful flowers around.
It is hard to believe that on September 3 we've been married 25 years, but I guess the years don't lie. From our meeting at the Baptist Student Union at Auburn University in 1979, to our wedding in 1983 up to now, we've had quite an adventure. Looks like there is a lot more to come too! The arrangement has 25 roses: 24 red to represent our love and one yellow because yellow roses are for friendship, and we are both married to our best friend!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Ramblings in Rogersville and a Visit to Lifeway
Yesterday, I spent the morning and early afternoon with my very good friend and kindred spirit, Sue. We met while we worked at the same hospital, but Sue has since retired (a year ago today!). We are trying to stay in touch by meeting for lunch, window (mostly) shopping and conversation. I drove to her town of Rogersville and we had a great time looking through some precious shops there. She found some gifts she needed, and so did I. We ended the morning at a coffee shop for a salad lunch. The food was great, the shop uncrowded and we had a wonderful visit.

Sue (on left) and I are standing in the courtyard entrance of the coffee shop. We think alike on so many things, and we have the same curly hair. Hers is now a beautiful shade of gray.
Lifeway Excursion
On the way home to Hartselle from Rogersville, I decided to stop in Decatur at our Lifeway store. I wanted to pick up Beth Moore's new book 'John, 90 Days with the Beloved Disciple'. I also needed a couple of cards to send to some folks. There is something about a Lifeway store. I cannot get out of there with just what I went in to get. I did get the book and three cards, but also found a few other things:
This cross plaque was precious and so perfect for my green half-bath. The other art work I have in there are two framed prints of ferns, so this blends very well and fills that blank space on the wall.
2) & 3)
2) I was wanting 'My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers', and they had a special 50% off in store sale, so what else could I do but buy it?
3) I don't think I'd ever noticed the baby corner in the store, but as we are expecting our first grandchild in October, I'm noticing a lot more baby things everywhere I go! This Baby's First Year Calendar jumped out at me.
I had a full Lifeway card (you get one punch on the card each time you make a purchase, so I got another 20% off my total!
Sue (on left) and I are standing in the courtyard entrance of the coffee shop. We think alike on so many things, and we have the same curly hair. Hers is now a beautiful shade of gray.
Lifeway Excursion
On the way home to Hartselle from Rogersville, I decided to stop in Decatur at our Lifeway store. I wanted to pick up Beth Moore's new book 'John, 90 Days with the Beloved Disciple'. I also needed a couple of cards to send to some folks. There is something about a Lifeway store. I cannot get out of there with just what I went in to get. I did get the book and three cards, but also found a few other things:
2) & 3)
3) I don't think I'd ever noticed the baby corner in the store, but as we are expecting our first grandchild in October, I'm noticing a lot more baby things everywhere I go! This Baby's First Year Calendar jumped out at me.
I had a full Lifeway card (you get one punch on the card each time you make a purchase, so I got another 20% off my total!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Distressed Passenger Caught with Contraband!
Because of weather in Dallas, our flight had to be diverted to Austin for a fill-up. Because of that, we missed our flight out of Dallas to Huntsville, Al. and home! American Airlines gave us a voucher for a Distressed Passenger rate at the Baymont Inn in Grapevine, Tx., so off we went to the Inn. Lots of distressed passengers were checking in with us. We were thankful to have only carry on bags, so we had our toiletries and extra clothing with us. Those with checked bags had to settle for toothbrushes and deodorant compliments of the Baymont.
Karen, Sharron (with a rather fancy halo) and Dianne in lobby of Baymont Inn.
Sunday morning we were happy to have a very good breakfast at the Baymont Inn complete with Texas shaped waffles. (Although we didn't stay up all night swapping manly stories, in the morning we still made waffles.--Afficiandos of Shrek will know what I'm talking about!)
Since we left the airport, we had to go through security one more time. Now, all three of us had successfully passed through security on the way out to San Antonio and in San Antonio on our attempt to get home Saturday. Sharron and I went through with no problems, but as we were putting our shoes on and Dianne was getting scanned, we heard, "Bag check!" Looking over Sharron and I saw that it was Dianne's bag that was getting inspected. Her bag was flagged as containing organic products that must be checked out. Being the good friend I am, (and a scrapbooker) I quickly asked the TSA agent if I could take pictures. The lines were practically non-existent so the agents were more laid back than normal. She gave her permission to take pictures. When she found the contraband, she told me to get my camera back out. The agent and Dianne posed for the "gotcha" picture. I didn't get the lady's name, but she was so good natured despite her severe expression as she "chastised" Dianne. We hoped that our little fun diversion could be something these hard working TSA agents could look back on if their job did take a more serious and stressful turn later in the day.

Oh, by the way the contraband organic product? FOOT POWDER!!! (It is the big yellow container by the agent's left hand. And that is a whole 'nother story!!!)
Our new friends and siestas, Carolyn and Terri, from Madison, Al were on our flight.
The adventure came to an end when we touched down in Huntsville about noon Sunday. We had been looking forward to being at church Sunday morning, but we knew that God had it all in control and for some reason, we were meant to stay in Texas one extra night. He will let us know why one day, I'm sure! God is good, all the time!
Sunday morning we were happy to have a very good breakfast at the Baymont Inn complete with Texas shaped waffles. (Although we didn't stay up all night swapping manly stories, in the morning we still made waffles.--Afficiandos of Shrek will know what I'm talking about!)
Since we left the airport, we had to go through security one more time. Now, all three of us had successfully passed through security on the way out to San Antonio and in San Antonio on our attempt to get home Saturday. Sharron and I went through with no problems, but as we were putting our shoes on and Dianne was getting scanned, we heard, "Bag check!" Looking over Sharron and I saw that it was Dianne's bag that was getting inspected. Her bag was flagged as containing organic products that must be checked out. Being the good friend I am, (and a scrapbooker) I quickly asked the TSA agent if I could take pictures. The lines were practically non-existent so the agents were more laid back than normal. She gave her permission to take pictures. When she found the contraband, she told me to get my camera back out. The agent and Dianne posed for the "gotcha" picture. I didn't get the lady's name, but she was so good natured despite her severe expression as she "chastised" Dianne. We hoped that our little fun diversion could be something these hard working TSA agents could look back on if their job did take a more serious and stressful turn later in the day.
Oh, by the way the contraband organic product? FOOT POWDER!!! (It is the big yellow container by the agent's left hand. And that is a whole 'nother story!!!)
Our new friends and siestas, Carolyn and Terri, from Madison, Al were on our flight.
The adventure came to an end when we touched down in Huntsville about noon Sunday. We had been looking forward to being at church Sunday morning, but we knew that God had it all in control and for some reason, we were meant to stay in Texas one extra night. He will let us know why one day, I'm sure! God is good, all the time!
First Post!
Finally I am composing my first post! After being with all the blogging siestas in San Antonio this past week-end, I've been inspired. We were at the Living Proof Live event and heard the word brought by Beth Moore. Praise and worship with Travis and the praise team was awesome. On top of the actual event, I got to participate in the Siesta Fiesta. Of the 10,000 ladies at the event about 1000 ladies from all over the country gathered for the Siesta Fiesta and to meet each other. Many were familiar because of the blog world and being brought together by the LPM blog at www.lproof.org.
I flew to San Antonio with my dear siestas Sharron and Dianne. What a time we have when we are together! My goodness, we seem to be able to talk endlessly even when we have just seen each other the day before. Dianne has a philosophy that there is a song for every occasion, and I have come to believe it. She will break out in song at a moment's (or less) notice. Sharron joins right in! They are very entertaining! Just ask the siestas that were on our flight from San Antonio to Dallas! In fact, one siesta from Nebraska was on the phone to her husband and D and S were singing in the background. I heard her tell her husband, "that's the singing siestas!"
Sharron and Dianne, the Singing Siestas
Beth always has quite a word to share with us. Truly a God given word. This week-end it was that we are heiresses. We are co-heirs with Christ. Yes, many of us have grown up knowing this, but she really impressed the reality of it upon us.
I'll share the main gist of the message, but without elaboration. (Maybe in a later post I'll add more details.) The scripture passage she used was Psalm 16. Read and re-read it and soak it in!
Here we go:
God's inheritance always involves three things: 1) God's Presence 2) People--God gifts us with one another 3) Property--we have real land waiting for us in Heaven
Eight truths:
1) I am an heir of God. My life is not left to chance.
2) I am an heir of God. I am inheriting a kingdom.
3) I am an heir of God. He is my portion...and I am His!
4) I am an heir of God. The down payment has been made. (The Holy Spirit with us now is the down payment of our inheritance then.)
5) I am an heir of God. My boundary lines form a pleasing place. (Pleasant=sweet)
6) I am an heir of God. The will has been activated. (A will is only activated upon death. By Jesus' death, the will is activated.)
7) I am an heir of God. I can be secure. (Our theology has not become our reality if we continue to walk in insecurity. WOW what a word that is!)
8) I am an heir of God. I have a beautiful inheritance.
Dianne, Sharron, Cindy and Karen
At the Alamodome after LPL and just before the Siesta Q&A with Beth and here daughters Amanda and Melissa. We were so blessed to meet Cindy at lunch at Pico de Gallo on Friday. We ate with about 60 other Siestas. The four of us walked back to the Riverwalk together.
I flew to San Antonio with my dear siestas Sharron and Dianne. What a time we have when we are together! My goodness, we seem to be able to talk endlessly even when we have just seen each other the day before. Dianne has a philosophy that there is a song for every occasion, and I have come to believe it. She will break out in song at a moment's (or less) notice. Sharron joins right in! They are very entertaining! Just ask the siestas that were on our flight from San Antonio to Dallas! In fact, one siesta from Nebraska was on the phone to her husband and D and S were singing in the background. I heard her tell her husband, "that's the singing siestas!"
Beth always has quite a word to share with us. Truly a God given word. This week-end it was that we are heiresses. We are co-heirs with Christ. Yes, many of us have grown up knowing this, but she really impressed the reality of it upon us.
I'll share the main gist of the message, but without elaboration. (Maybe in a later post I'll add more details.) The scripture passage she used was Psalm 16. Read and re-read it and soak it in!
Here we go:
God's inheritance always involves three things: 1) God's Presence 2) People--God gifts us with one another 3) Property--we have real land waiting for us in Heaven
Eight truths:
1) I am an heir of God. My life is not left to chance.
2) I am an heir of God. I am inheriting a kingdom.
3) I am an heir of God. He is my portion...and I am His!
4) I am an heir of God. The down payment has been made. (The Holy Spirit with us now is the down payment of our inheritance then.)
5) I am an heir of God. My boundary lines form a pleasing place. (Pleasant=sweet)
6) I am an heir of God. The will has been activated. (A will is only activated upon death. By Jesus' death, the will is activated.)
7) I am an heir of God. I can be secure. (Our theology has not become our reality if we continue to walk in insecurity. WOW what a word that is!)
8) I am an heir of God. I have a beautiful inheritance.
At the Alamodome after LPL and just before the Siesta Q&A with Beth and here daughters Amanda and Melissa. We were so blessed to meet Cindy at lunch at Pico de Gallo on Friday. We ate with about 60 other Siestas. The four of us walked back to the Riverwalk together.
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