Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday Thoughts

I am about to head out for a little shopping this morning. I am not really a great shopper. I like to shop...sometimes. I'm just not very gifted in shopping, I think. Rob says I'm a buyer. I go in knowing what it is that I want or need, find it, buy it. Last Friday I found a dress I really, really liked. It fit very well, and I got positive comments from my family about it, but I was determined I would not buy it as it was the first dress I tried on, and I hadn't looked anywhere else. I have thought about that dress all week, and know that I should get it! See, the buyer in me comes out! (The dress is for Nathan and Chelsea's wedding: "my mother-of-the-groom dress.") Thursday, I actually bought another dress as a "back-up" in case this one is not there this morning!

Since I am a list maker, I have my list made out of all my stops this morning. I hope to cross off all of my errands in just a few hours to get back home and work around the house this afternoon.

Thanksgiving in the Payne household was wonderful, fun and amazing. We had my parents, my sister, and Nathan, Chelsea and Avery here. Lots of cooking and loving on baby went on. I have decided that I like Thanksgiving more than Christmas as far as a holiday celebration. Christmas has gotten so carried away with decorations, presents, and stress. I would love to just recognize it as a time to reflect on its true meaning.

God sent his son Jesus to this earth. He came as a helpless, newborn baby, and grew up just like all of us experiencing all of life. Yet through out his life he remained sinless. He spent his life completely in tune with God's will, never putting his will or desires above Father God's. How amazing is that! Then, Jesus gave his life as a sacrifice for us! Because He died in our place, for our sins, we can have fellowship with God! Right now, right here! By acknowledging that we are sinners, that nothing we do can ever put us right with God, and accepting Jesus as our Savior--the one who sacrificed and did the work for us, we are granted son-ship (daughter-ship?) in God's family. WE are co-heirs with Christ and inherit eternal life. Sometimes I hear this so much I don't stop and truly think it through. Yes, it takes faith to believe, but once you ask God to abide with you, he even increases your faith! I have witnessed God's touch and working in my life so much, even in tiny details, that I cannot deny HE IS and He IS my savior. My life hasn't been a bed of roses, nor do I ever expect it to be. I have Joy in my life because of what Christ has done for me, not through what I've accomplished or done for myself. God is not sitting around just granting my wishes. It is through my trust and faith in him that he can work through me.

I just wish Christmas were simple again and not filled with so much buy, buy, buy, get, get, get, go, go, go. Let's just enjoy family and faith, thanking God for what we have through Him (salvation, eternal life, fellowship) and thanking Him for what he has blessed us with here on earth (family, home, needs, friends). I'm praying that I can get over myself this holiday season and focus on why we celebrate it in the first place!

To all my friends and family that read this, I am so thankful for you in my life!
