Chelsea, Avery, and I went to Cullman during Saturday afternoon to the Bloomin' Festival at St. Bernard School. It is St. Bernard's annual arts and crafts festival. The school grounds are beautiful, and it's so fun to walk around checking out all the booths.
Saturday evening ended with all of us playing in the backyard and grilling steaks. Sunday afternoon after church we were outside again. Avery loves the sliding board, and we had fun playing with her on the swing set!
Tuesday night ended the regular high school soccer season. Hartselle qualified for state play offs which start this coming Tuesday (4/27). Hartselle also won the Morgan County tournament! It has been a very good season. Unfortunately Will hurt his ankle Tuesday night during the game against Athens High. After a visit to the orthopaedic today, he is in a knee high boot, and starts therapy tomorrow. The doctor said he would probably be okay to play by Tuesday night. Will certainly hopes so!