Will is enjoying (and doing a great job in) marching band. We have our last regular season football game tonight as a matter of fact. Rob and I have learned how to work in the football concession stand! While it IS work, it is kind of fun. That takes a lot for me to say, because I didn't think I'd like concession stand work AT ALL! I never liked it at the little league baseball fields. In fact, when they came up with the plan that you could pay to have someone else work for you, I was on that fast! Well, tonight we will be in the concession stand again! Will is also in the youth praise band at church and continues to enjoy and do well. He is also playing AYSO soccer and school soccer! Between practices for 2 bands and 2 soccer teams, band performances and soccer games...oh wait...he is also in school and has homework, tests and projects with that on a regular basis! By the way, would anyone like to buy a gallon of Brunswick stew (to support youth group mission trip) or a Boston Butt (for the school soccer team)? Just let us know!!!
Some pictures of the youth praise band:
Will on the keyboards.
Jay and Ethan, Hunter on drums
Kelsey Rae, Amanda sing and Will on keyboards.
Will and the band after playing to the home stands.
Will marching on the field.
Entering the stands before the game.
Nathan and Chelsea had a great birthday party for Avery at their house on October 10. She was such a sweetie. Even though she was running a fever off and on, she never was anything but sweet and loving. Chelsea's parents, Rob's parents, my dad and Rob, Will and I were all there. Mother had a convention with the Republican Ladies in Birmingham and wasn't able to make the party. Anyway, Chelsea had the house beautiful and made many delicious treats for everybody!
Four generations. Nathan, Avery, Grimp (Don Greene), and KayK (Karen)
Avery wasn't too sure about Elmo at first!
Front of Nathan, Chelsea and Avery's home.
Nathan, Avery, Chelsea after opening presents.
Well, that catches you up for now. I'm still working to determine what to regularly blog about! Right now, it is just whatever happens to come to my mind while I'm typing!